Archive for juni, 2004

donderdag, 17 juni 2004

Who is Solly?


Solly is Offline (strangely enough)

Solly is drinking too much of the black stuff on her stay in Ireland (…)

Solly is right (always; ask my love)

Solly is mathematically challenged (…true)

Solly is the first brand in India capitalising on the `big’ trend (yippy! I am a brand!)

Solly is my great grandmother who married into the family (at 28?)

Solly is dead at 53 (so I still have… – see 3 lines above this one)

Solly is sent to a Hitler Youth school (hmmm…)

Solly is poisoned during dessert at her engagement party (mental note: no engagement party)

Solly is the worst child ever (anything positive, please?)

Solly is your typical Neanderthal sex goddess (:-D)

Solvalou found 89 ways to describe what Solly is. (source)

woensdag, 16 juni 2004

More sports


I am lazy by nature. I am naturally thin, so no need to exercise. I used to maintain my figure without doing anything special for it. In fact, I used to sport out of guilt. So people thought I did do something. I picked the less-sweaty-yet-still-active-enough sport of all: long distance walking. Exercise, fun, and meditation. All in one.

Unfortunately, I got older and my body too. My “winter kilo” did not magically disappear this Spring, like it used to do in the years before. Damn. So now I walk with a one extra reason! Getting that fat of my behind!

If these extra kilometers don’t work, I will take serious measures: Tel Sell stuff. Windsor Pilates, Ab Tronics, Reduce Fat fast… “It really works!!!” is promised by the super-sculpted bodies on TV… We’ll see. It’s only a last resort.

dinsdag, 15 juni 2004



Everyone in this tiny country is going slightly crazy: everything is decorated orange. Bars, streets, houses, people… It seems like tonight’s game is the only game that matters this Euro 2004.


update @ 23:00 PM: pffff… devastating first half, Germany had the better team, 0-1 behind, some major changes in the Dutch team at half time resulted in 1-1 at 80 minutes. Nerve wrecking last 10 minutes, though, with lots of chances for both teams! A draw, fair enough, but who do you think was the better team?

dinsdag, 15 juni 2004

“One moment, please”


Bear with me, please. Love has to finish reports for school and apparently needs both computers to do so… Anyway, he’s on a coffee break now, which gives me just enough time to insert this test card

One moment, please...

maandag, 14 juni 2004



I love football.

Here, I said it. Loud and proud. My coming out. Cool (…) My love hates football…

Anyway, the European Championship has started Saturday and since then I haven’t missed one single game! Obviously, I can’t choose only one team to support. Sure, if ‘we’- the Netherlands – play, I will cheer for them, but I am already in Olympic spirit: may the best team win.

Yesterday’s early evening was kinda busy, but Formula One proved to be more interesting than Croatia – Switzerland… France – England on the other hand was a true thriller. 0-1 ahead, Beckham misses a penalty, but all’s still fine and then… your worst nightmare: extra time, Zidane, and penalties and a 2-1 loss. I am starting to fear tomorrow’s Netherlands – Germany game. Also great players and arch-rivals… Place your bets NOW!

zondag, 13 juni 2004

Sunday morning:


“Could some one PLEASE turn off those church bells?!”

(and I promise I won’t nag about tomorrow-morning…okay?)

vrijdag, 11 juni 2004

More Pingu?!


Nothing to do this afternoon? Finish your week with a funny game! Japanese Pinguins, Ninja’s and a cool housy background tune!

donderdag, 10 juni 2004

Yes, no, left, right…


Today is an important day for Democracy. Today we can vote for a new European Parliament… I don’t believe in the Europarliament – 750 people of 25 different nationalities cannot make fast or strong decisions, they have to compromise. But I strongly believe in the fact, that you can’t complain about politics if you haven’t voted. So I vote.

According to the polls, I am an exception. Only 30 % of people that can vote, will actually do so. Schocking! Furthermore, I know exactly which party will get my vote. I did some tests and research, and I have made up my mind. This virtually makes me a rarity! I know who I am going to vote on already?! No ‘eany-meany-miney-moe’ in the voting booth?! Anyway, I aint gonna share my political preference with you, it’s personal. Gotto go and save democracy, now!

woensdag, 09 juni 2004

Theme song


“It’s good to see you, I must go, I know I look a fright

Anyway my eyes are not accustomed to this light

And my shoes are not accustomed to this hard concrete

So I must go back to my room and make my day complete

Counting flowers on the wall

That don’t bother me at all

Playing solitaire till dawn with a deck of 51

Smoking cigarettes and watching Captain Kangaroo

So don’t tell me I’ve nothing to do!”

The last verse + chorus of a great Statler Brothers song. Normally, country’s really not my cup of tea, but this one sounds like a soundtrack for all nightflowers, longsleepers and people with too much spare time hence students and the jobless… pom pom pom…

dinsdag, 08 juni 2004

Parklife (2)


Free and funny feet!   ’The sun is shining, the weather is sweet…”Summertime, and living is easy’ In short: Solly has left the building and settled somewhere in ‘her’ park. PS. Unemployment sucks… Not today!