Solly is Offline (strangely enough)
Solly is drinking too much of the black stuff on her stay in Ireland (…)
Solly is right (always; ask my love)
Solly is mathematically challenged (…true)
Solly is the first brand in India capitalising on the `big’ trend (yippy! I am a brand!)
Solly is my great grandmother who married into the family (at 28?)
Solly is dead at 53 (so I still have… – see 3 lines above this one)
Solly is sent to a Hitler Youth school (hmmm…)
Solly is poisoned during dessert at her engagement party (mental note: no engagement party)
Solly is the worst child ever (anything positive, please?)
Solly is your typical Neanderthal sex goddess (:-D)
Solly as a Rock!!
Solveig van Mourik – van der Bruggen, Gemeenteraadslid in Breda namens de PvdA