… how they place the “don’t walk on the grass” – signs on the lawn?
… why kamikaze pilots wore a helmet?
… why Noah did not kill the two mosquito’s on his arch?
… if the people at the Pickwick factory have coffee breaks?
… if a rabbits tail is a lucky charm, what happened to the rabbit?
… how a thermos flask knows whether the drink inside should remain cold or hot?
… why sheep don’t crimp when they dry after some rain and my woolen sweater does?
… why you have to make an appointment with a fortune teller?
… if there’s another word for synonym?
… if married people really live longer or just think they do?
… why they put an expiration date on a cup of sour cream?
and just out of curiosity: do you ever wonder why I wonder about these things?
Solly as a Rock!!
Solveig van Mourik – van der Bruggen, Gemeenteraadslid in Breda namens de PvdA