Talking rubbish bins have been put up in Berlin to help keep the city’s streets clean. The bins, which come in five different types, have a solar panel that provides the energy for the electronic voice. A photo sensor registers rubbish thrown into the bin and sets off the recorded message.
The types of bin include Susi Schlau (Smart Susie) which thanks passers-by for throwing junk into her in English, French and Japanese. Hitlist Harry rewards tidy people with a song, while Siggi Sport rewards anybody who uses him with a stadium-style “Goal, Goal, Goooooooaaaal!” scream. (source: Ananova)
Pfff… That’s nothing new. For over 20 years, maybe even longer, talking bins exist in de Efteling. They are shape like people, with huge bellies and an enormous opened mouth. They shout: “Paper here!” and when you throw something into their mouth -feed them, as I used to think when I was younger- they shout: “Thank you!” It encourages kids -and adults- to seek for more trash to throw into them! Unfortunately, overenthousiastic kids might throw in their moms handbag… (why are you looking at me? I would never, ever…)