All bloggers -at least, the ones I read on a nearly daily basis- seem to have cats. I don’t. I used to have one- red, named Bugati- but she moved to my parents (garden), when I moved from my dorm to my love’s floor- including allergic roommate… Now we live in an apartment without garden: not cat-friendly at all. However, we have birds instead. Therefore, even when we move to a house with a garden we need to wait till the birds die before we can accommodate a cat. Sounds awful, yet the other way around -bird dies due to accommodation of cat- is even more cruel.
Me and my love have two Lovebirds a.k.a. African miniature parrots. They are the cats amongst birds. They are cuddly, cute, hand tame, yet very self-willed and cheeky. They are the best paper shredders and wake up calls around. They try to build nests everywhere now -I guess Spring is in the air!- and protect me against RSI…
Anyway, following other blogger’s example: here are some pics of our cats birds (click to enlarge!).