This year’s Queensday was a ball! Unlike last year, me and MyLove did not go to Amsterdam, yet we spent it in our home town. I had two six-packs of Schultenbrau half liter cans in my backpack, some money to spend and a cell phone to find our friends. When the sun started to break through around noon, nothing could go wrong! First we went to the Vrijmarkt in the Town Park. I bought U2′s October – I only had a vinyl version, full of scratches – for two euros, and MyLove bought the complete works of Dr. Alban – sentimental reasons, I hope – for one euro a piece. Then we met up with my brother and his family and chilled a bit in the grass. Our friends joined us a bit later. Somewhere around diner time I had a large portion of chips – with lots of mayonnaise (see Pulp Fiction) – and the whole gang strolled to the Central Square. We did a little dance, had a lot of fun and finished the beer. MyLove had a gig that night, so he left the party at 8. I went to bed a midnight and had happy, orange coloured dreams!
Solly as a Rock!!
Solveig van Mourik – van der Bruggen, Gemeenteraadslid in Breda namens de PvdA
zondag, 01 mei 2005
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48 | M.Sc.Geology | smiley | suikervrij | Breda | techno | married | PvdA | Gemeenteraad | walks | tasjes!
On My Mind
artikel 41 doodles duurzaamheid klussen kodak moment openbaar vervoer party personal politiek PvdA verkeer wandelenRecent thoughts
- Revival
- Jongleren met tijd
- Archibald II
- Keuzes, keuzes, keuzes
- Beetje klussen
- Kleedje (een ode aan de zomer)
- Weer vier dagen wandelen
- Je moet het zelf ervaren
- Oranje ontkenning
- Zorgen over Berg en Donk (2)
Small print: This blog represents my personal opinion only, which might be completely different from my political party's, the city council's or public opinion! I reserve the right to change my personal opinion 180 degrees if informed properly. Please keep in mind that people or events might be real, slightly exaggerated or completely fictional products of Solly's imagination. No worries, she takes her pills ;D
Copyright: Solveig van Mourik - van der Bruggen 2004-2025