An Australian diving club has claimed a world record in the extreme sport of underwater ironing. Some 43 members of Melbourne’s Bay City Scuba Diving Club ironed in 10ft of water in Port Phillip Bay. Club spokesman Alan Igoe said the 25 minute dive, using cold non-electric irons, also raised £250 for charity. “We always try to do something to get our members diving after the winter break, but this gained momentum and took off as a chase for a world record,” he said. The Australian divers snatched a six week old record from a sixteen-strong New Zealand group of ironists. Underwater extreme ironing was invented by German extreme ironist, Iron Lung, when he took his iron and board into the Mediterranean sea off Majorca in 2001. Extreme ironing founder, Steam, says: “I never realised how competitive the Aussie ironists were – as soon as the Kiwis took the record, they were there.”
Some things come to mind after reading this:
What the f*** is the use of underwater ironing? It seems to me like a contradictio in terminus…
And when did ironing become an extreme sport?! I do it every week! (O.K., not in 10ft of water, but still.)
Isn´t this just a hoax – considering the name of the German (`Iron Lung`)and founder (´Steam´)? There are pictures of the action, though…