Thank goodness, we’re done with the laminated flooring! Okay, it still needs some final touches here and there, but the furniture is back in place again. For the past week the house has been an absolute chaos. The living room was empty – except for a hard working Love and slowly growing laminated floor – and our stuff was everywhere. Nothing was were it used to be or where I thought it would be; I could not find anything any more… Some people say that people with a messy house probably suffer from a depression or other psychological problems… Well, the opposite is true, too. Chaotic casa: chaotic Solly! I could not concentrate, focus or think straight anymore; I walked around the apartment like a headless chicken. So, I followed a four day ‘therapy’ program, with one goal: spent as little time as possible at home (MyLove clearly stated he did NOT need help with the flooring).
Day 1: Occupational therapy (read: painting at the neighbours/in-laws)
Day 2: ‘Find your inner child’-therapy (read: visit a fairy tale theme park with a bunch of women and one bachelorette)
Day 3: Retail therapy (read: shoes, accessories, groceries… Whatever)
Day 4: Relaxation therapy (read: a day in a spa with a certain bachelorette)
Today: the house is clean and orderly again.
I am cured!
Solly as a Rock!!
Solveig van Mourik – van der Bruggen, Gemeenteraadslid in Breda namens de PvdA