My Love and I live together. Officially since 3.5 years. Actually since the start of our relationship, 6.3 years ago. 2.5 years ago, my Love decided to return to school. (“Perfect” timing: I just finished uni and was ready to enjoy the luxurious life of a double income… Not!) Anyway, because his school was in another town – 2 hours travel away – and he had to start at 8:30 AM rather often – my Love is definitely not a morning person – he decided to rent a tiny apartment there. He only stayed there (maximum) 3 days of the week, and the ‘pied-a-terre” came in quite handy when we wanted to party in the “Big City”. He sublet the apartment, when he was in Delhi and returned to it 3, 2, 1 night a week for the remainder of this semester.
The semester finished, only one internship and the writing of his thesis to go. My Love decided to terminate the tenancy of the apartment. Yesterday we went over there to empty the apartment. We decided to incorporate the stuff – furniture, books – he collected there during his stay there, into our house. Bad idea. Two television sets can be handy, but what on earth do I need TWO waterboilers, TWO microwaves, FOUR beds and THREE couches for?!