Over here, thousands of kids are finishing up their exams at the moment. Personally, I can still remember the day I received my result – the old fashioned way. A phone call from school meant that you failed, no call meant you passed your finals. No-one else was allowed to ring us at the time the school could call. Fortunately, I passed. I did double-check this by ringing the school myself…
Nowadays, people in India can receive their results by SMS. That this method is not a 100% reliable has been proven already, as an SMS with the wrong information has lead to dramatic actions…
note: Apparently Indian school kids are under a lot of pressure to perform above average at their exams. Suicide numbers rise around this period and counseling is offered to kids who cannot cope with the exam-related stress. Source: Fok!
Solly as a Rock!!
Solveig van Mourik – van der Bruggen, Gemeenteraadslid in Breda namens de PvdA