Archive for maart, 2004

dinsdag, 16 maart 2004



Curious about the life of Yaks? (And who isn’t…)

dinsdag, 16 maart 2004



Ever felt like the toddler inside you wants to take over? For example when you have that important, yet incredibly boring, meeting? Or when you’re asked if you have “a minute” to do something “small”? Especially when your parents ask you to install/repair something at their place? In all these situations you answer with a polite:”Yes”. You even manage to smile. But inside you, deep inside, you really want to say – better yet: scream – “No! I don’t wanna!” preferably including the rolling around on the floor, and the pounding of hands and feet to the ground… Too bad. You can’t.

I have to go and learn how to drive a car now (you might have guessed that I really don’t wanna…)

maandag, 15 maart 2004



maandag, 15 maart 2004

Mystery solved


I checked the calendar today – it’s hanging in the kitchen, on the cabinet I have to open to get my brekky (very ‘can’t miss’ location) – and noticed that the “birthday season” has started again. Between now and, say, half April, I have 12 birthdays amongst my friends and family, including my own. Very festive and all, but also a rather time- and money consuming period.

Anyway, the number of names on the two-month calendar page made me curious: what annual “event” triggers this baby boom? Simple mathematics (…) tells me, that “we” were all conceived in June, July (maybe August too, for the early babies). Ah-ha! Summer: sun, holiday season, freedom, short skirts, romance in the air…

Iew. I just had a vision of my mum and dad flirting on the beach… Better get back to the writing of birthday cards – still analogue!

zondag, 14 maart 2004

Need coffee


Breakfast at Casa Solly:

zaterdag, 13 maart 2004

…When I am twenty-some


It’s Saturday night. But I am behind the computer instead of a beer. Moving my mouse instead of my body. Reason: no money.

At least, that’s what I tell my friends. The truth is: As I am still feeling the aftermath of the common cold, I am in the mood for a night with wine on my own sofa, with my feet on my man next to me. Watching Idols and a DVD. Go to bed early… Fall asleep much later… Hmmm, nice.

Uh-oh – am I getting old?!

vrijdag, 12 maart 2004

912 days later…


On the news: images of the “Millions march against murder” in Madrid. Goose bumps all over. Tears in my eyes. ETA or El Qaida; who cares. No mas!

vrijdag, 12 maart 2004



Exactly two and a half years after ‘September, 11′:

a European capital, 10 explosions in trains, nearly 200 people killed, over a 1400 wounded… The role of the ETA is not ruled out yet, but it is thought that Al-Qaida is most likely behind this useless violence.

New York, Afghanistan, Iraq: all horrific acts, yet far away. This is my back yard: Europe – hell, I have visited Madrid. Like the Spanish, the Dutch support the US in Iraq. I am worried, scared… What’s next? Bombs in the Amsterdam metro?

donderdag, 11 maart 2004

I thought I thaw a…


ESA have found a possible explanation for Beagle 2′s strange disappearance: a UFO!

What’s next? That ESA figures out that Beagle 2 was destroyed in an act of terrorism by the Martians, because these green creatures have a long term and exclusive contract with NASA?!

(via Fok)

woensdag, 10 maart 2004

You stupid woman


Phone just rang: dad. “Where are you?” Oops, I forgot… I promised him to help with the annual Jantje Beton house-to-house collection. I peek out the window: still snowing. Damn. I look at my love, he shakes his head and smiles. No help – read: providing an excuse – from his side. “I am on my way, dad, I just put on my coat!”

Moral of this story: Not all collectors are volunteers. Give generously!

update @ 08:47 PM “I don’t have patty cash”, “I will make a deposit”, “My parents are not at home”, “I do not give to charity”, not-ringing door bells and people that don’t open the door and just stare at you through their window…