I checked the calendar today – it’s hanging in the kitchen, on the cabinet I have to open to get my brekky (very ‘can’t miss’ location) – and noticed that the “birthday season” has started again. Between now and, say, half April, I have 12 birthdays amongst my friends and family, including my own. Very festive and all, but also a rather time- and money consuming period.
Anyway, the number of names on the two-month calendar page made me curious: what annual “event” triggers this baby boom? Simple mathematics (…) tells me, that “we” were all conceived in June, July (maybe August too, for the early babies). Ah-ha! Summer: sun, holiday season, freedom, short skirts, romance in the air…
Iew. I just had a vision of my mum and dad flirting on the beach… Better get back to the writing of birthday cards – still analogue!