There are moments in ones life that you feel (much) older than you actually -physically- are. During puberty, or after too much torture at the gym. At some point in ones life -in my case it started a couple of years after my 20th birthday- something weird happens: your mental age starts to get out of pace with your physical age. In fact, your mind seems to age slower than your body. I am pretty sure I do not have my first midlife crisis -too young - yet I feel younger than I am according to my I.D. Awkward? Definitely! Example: students address me with “mizz” or talk about “that lady”. I wonder whom they talk about… When I notice, I turn pink… and start wondering when I became “mizz” or “lady”? Another one: you still wanna party on a Saturday night, yet the people in the club where born in another (read: later…) decade. Frustrating, but, according to some friends, this is just a stage and luckily enough, I am not the only one. It will go away. When? I do not know. I do know that the feeling of “young mind, old body” will return a couple of times -midlife crisis!- and that it will remain frustrating: my grandpa turned 89 (!!!) yesterday and is not happy with his hair turning gray… What am I moaning about, then?!
Solly as a Rock!!
Solveig van Mourik – van der Bruggen, Gemeenteraadslid in Breda namens de PvdA