You most likely might not have noticed it- I do not have a webcam and unless you are psychic…- but I have been behind my laptop for the past 3 hours. Surfing the net, checking other blogs, linkdumps, news, quirkies, quizilla… And still I haven’t come up with a subject to write about.
Something happy, I mean. Because I really do not want to write about the remains of wheelchairs and riots in Gaza. Nor did I want to write about possible nuclear explosions in Russia. I definitely did not want to write about the Spring storms and how night frost almost destroyed the first apple blossoms…
I think, I have a Spring depression related writer’s block. There’s too much crap going on in this world at the moment. If you have any happy news, please tell me!
(title is a quote from William Morris’s poem “Earthly Paradise”)