Archive for augustus, 2004

woensdag, 04 augustus 2004



The shop is closed for two years now. ‘For sale’, the sign in the window reads. Empty, only a counter in the back. I glance through the windows every time I pass it. Not much to see, except for a growing pile of advertising leaflets and local papers.

This morning a man was sitting behind the counter. He must have taken his own chair with him, the rest of the shop was still empty. The man swivelled round in his chair, his eyes shut, and a smile on his face.

I walked on, passing the ‘Sold’ sign, wondering if the man had been the new owner, visualising a crowded shop. Or the real estate agent, thinking about his commission…

dinsdag, 03 augustus 2004

It’s getting hot in her…


“A Romania woman made an official complaint because her ice cream was too cold. Trading standards officials promised to take the woman’s letter into consideration but said they could not do much about it. The head of the consumer protection authority in Slatina, Olt county, told a newspaper: “We had strange complaints before but this one is really something. This lady actually got hot because her ice-cream was too cold.”




Did I hear someone say: “Sun stroke”?

maandag, 02 augustus 2004

After sun afterglow


The ultimate last-minute mini-holiday: decide on Friday – 8 PM – to spend the weekend at the beach and invite some friends to join you…

We left early Saturday morning and returned late last night. Only two days, but my battery is full again. I could bore you with stories about how warm and sunny it was, how cold the sea, how perfect the mussels and shrimps tasted, how tanned My Love and how off-white I am… But I won’t. I don’t want to make you jealous.

If I could only wipe the happy smile off my face… ;-D