Last year, we had the sunniest summer of all summers – at least, of the ones I can remember. An über-summer. The sun started shining at the end of June and I cannot recall seeing one single cloud or feeling a drop of rain till the end of September… More than 3 months of nice and warm. Off course, there were complaints. It´s part of our culture: the Dutch love to complain, especially about something as unpredictable and subjective like the weather. Last year´s summer was ´too hot´ and ´too dry´. Doom scenarios: ´this could be the herald of future climate change´, and so on…
This year, summer was late. In fact, it was cold and rainy – an extended spring – till a week ago. Complaints all around. ´Too cold, ´too wet´. We had definitely been spoilt by last year´s endless sunny season. It appeared, people suffered from collective memory loss, ´cause no one seemed to remember that this (17 degC, cloudy, partly sunny, rainy) was the original(TM) Dutch summer!
However, a week ago, the weather changed. Drastically. From 17 to 27 degC in 3 days. Hot, sunny, humid. Traffic jams on the roads to the North Sea beaches. No complaints (yet…) and no nagging about the bad start of the summer any more. Happy cloggies, smiles everywhere! Until last night…
A thunder storm. Nice, it blows away humidity, and clears up the sky. This morning it was still raining- drizzling, in fact. No sun, just clouds. When I turned on the radio, I heard the first ´Too humid´, ´too warm´…
Solly as a Rock!!
Solveig van Mourik – van der Bruggen, Gemeenteraadslid in Breda namens de PvdA